To Hate Means To Love

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Reviews
lostandtorn616 6 263 by Rockinmuffin
Jun 11, 2007 18:19:17 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Chapter 4: Gym Class Horrors Part 1
lostandtorn616 0 300 by lostandtorn616
May 28, 2007 20:15:50 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Chapter 3: Mind Games Are Fun
lostandtorn616 0 160 by lostandtorn616
May 14, 2007 20:55:33 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Chapter 2: Dark Diary And The Classroom of DOOM
lostandtorn616 0 283 by lostandtorn616
Apr 8, 2007 10:02:02 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Chapter 1: Tomboy Damsel In Distress
lostandtorn616 0 305 by lostandtorn616
Apr 8, 2007 9:34:04 GMT -5


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To Hate Means To Love
Rating: R

Genre: Romance, Comedy, Horror

Summary: XHighschool ficX Let's face it; every high school has their unique band of groupies. From the computer geeks to the cheerleaders sporting promiscuous reputations, to the chain-smoking Goths to the preps whom are treated like upper class roam the school hallways; however, for one select highschool, only two significant band of "groupies" are what keeps the teachers, and the principal and his/her lackie underdog of a vice-principal, on their toes.

It's these two bands of what seem like your average students who each have first-dibs, total and complete authority, over their own corner; these students are the youthful kids who make sure everyone is kept in line, with one hand on your shoulder and the other knocking out the person who made a fool out of you yesterday at lunch, or mouthing off to that muscular kid, the one who's all brawn and no brains; the normal students are left to either gawk at them in awe, and perhaps a bit of bitter envy, or wish they'd sooner drop dead then be forced to be stuck with them for the remainder of the semester.

Royal Corner. Most Likely To Succeed. Most Charming Smile. Most Sarcastic. Best Dressed of the Year. Psychotic Sadistic Killer. Boys who linger at the top of the highschool social society food chain. Boys whom are entitled to do whatever (and, more often than not, whoever) they want, whenever they want, with no strings attached; the kind of students who could be caught assisting someone to commit suicide and be given a gold medal, the kind who gets top-notch marks, and the ones who tend to think with their second head rather than make good use of the one God gave them.

Toy Corner. Lunachicks. Losers. Anti-social. Bipolar. Sluts. Whores. Owner of a brothel. Yaoi-obsessed. Girls who sample with every kind of kinky toy, carry around a 'How To Seduce A Man' guidebook at all times and know every sex position; girls who dress in hand-me-downs lacking the fashion sense of the wiser of their group;
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