Run My Sweet Little Prey

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Reviews
lostandtorn616 5 207 by Rockinmuffin
Jul 7, 2007 20:36:06 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Chapter 3: A Voice
lostandtorn616 0 200 by lostandtorn616
Jun 26, 2007 19:17:32 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Chapter 2: Stranger In The Mirror
lostandtorn616 0 215 by lostandtorn616
May 11, 2007 20:28:37 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Chapter 1: The Binding Ceremony
lostandtorn616 0 230 by lostandtorn616
May 2, 2007 4:53:29 GMT -5


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Run My Sweet Little Prey
Rating: R

Genre: Horror, Romance

Summary: “You are my prey. Remember that.” He whispered, his voice displaying no emotion, but his face betrayed him; his features were lightly imprinted with what looked like crooked lines etched with broken cracks in sparing places; his jade green eyes swiftly became dilative and narrow, numerous tiny veins pulsating in and around them, animalistic delight and blood lust flashing malignantly, deeply; the faintest hint of an insane, inhuman grin slowly forming on his lips, showing carnivorous teeth that glinted malevolently in the thin, glistening streams of moonlight.

“And now...” He narrowed his slender sights, staring at her, a voracious gleam mixed with acute rage and blood lust only a sadistic murderer could depict physically and emotionally shone in his eyes, licking his lips unconsciously at the thought of seeing her blood.

Tasting it, however, would be a blessing to him, a wonderful, appetizing delicacy, as it would so upon witnessing it gush out from within her body; even now he could practically smell the fear wafting off her small, quivering form, his grin widened hearing a saint-like, glorious whimper come from her as her eyes watered heavily. “Now... Run... Run... Run... My sweet little prey.”

Pairing: AuthoressxGaara/RockinmuffinxKisame/andyouthinkimcrazyxItachi
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