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newBookmarkLockedFalling Hypnotist Error
dfg659t 0 156 by dfg659t
Mar 20, 2009 2:36:44 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling A Christmas Poem
cgfc5841 0 109 by cgfc5841
Mar 20, 2009 1:22:21 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling The Easter Bunny
asln2009 0 113 by asln2009
Mar 6, 2009 2:46:29 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling A long time ago
ptixwz 0 107 by ptixwz
Mar 4, 2008 3:22:06 GMT -5


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Rating: M

Genre: Horror

Summary: “What’s the matter, scared of the air...?” I sneered as she jumped, clearly startled at something; as to what that specific, certain something was, I wasn’t entirely sure; I only knew that whatever it was that was doing this to her, it wasn’t because of my doings.

The manner in which she swayed, shoulder blades crunching horribly, eyes nearly popping from their sockets, pupils shrinking, many unshed tears had already begun to gather in the milky-whites, causing them to glisten like a knife that had yet to be drenched in the life blood of another, was simply beautiful.

Even I could not distill that level of pure humane terror the very core of her being, no matter how many death threats I had forewarned her of imposing upon, or the countless occasions in which I had nearly acted upon savagely strangling her until her life was no more; sadly, as I had discovered, I would second-guess myself at the last second.

It wasn’t particularly my fault; she was one of Sharon’s friends; a person belonging to the handful of humans she trusted wholly, and had proven to be a constant source of both entertainment and profound amusement. ... And so I was naturally curious as to whom or what had caused her to act unlike her usual loud, two-sided, vulgar and perverse self.

“Bates...?” My name escaped through her plastered, desert-dry lip in a hushed, monotone whisper, dark chocolate brown irises enlarging and then shrinking to pint-sized pricks of color, a few crystalline streams dribbled down her olive colored skin that bore a flushed hue to it; it scarcely made me reminisce of the time when I – due to an unwise decision at the time – had consumed a bottle of whiskey mixed with Coca-Cola and, completely out of character, embraced her in a more-than-was-considered-friendly hug.

“Yes...?” I asked, my voice ending a malevolent hiss as a brow gently lifted.

“They’re coming... they’re coming... Don’t let them get me. Don’t let them...”

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